The Evening Record
May 28, 1917


Revolver Discharged on
Train, Bullet Shattering
Bones in His Shoulder.


Sergt. Otto G. Ocenasek, of Little Ferry, a valuable member of Company G. of Hackensack, was painfully and seriously wounded on last Friday night while on a N.J. & N. Y. railroad train while on his way to Spring Valley to attend a dance.  With him was Private William E. Greenip, of Westwood, who has figured in several escapades. 
            Capt. H. B. Doremus says that, according to the reports made to him today the shooting was purely accidental.  He says Greenip should not have been carrying a revolver, and that the weapon was one borrowed from Corporal Throckmorton.
            Greenip is now said to be under guard at the regimental headquarters, and Ocenasek is in the Paterson General Hospital.
            The shooting occurred just across the New York boundary line and Greenip was taken to the New City jail, where Lieut. Brower went for him.
            Sergt. Ocenasek is held in high regard by Capt. Doremus and other officers, and has been acting as supply sergeant, an important position in these times. 
            It is feared the Sergeant may lose his arm, two bones in the shoulder having been shattered.